Thursday, September 4, 2008


So last week I found out that I am probably going to be on bedrest for the rest of my pregnancy. My sister has an incompetent cervix so I asked my doctor at my last appointment if that could be a problem for me too. They sent me to get an ultrasound and they saw that my cervix had shortened. They sent me up to Labor and Delivery to be monitored and my doctor came to check me. I wasn't having any contractions, but my cervix was 50% effaced. So, here I am sitting on my butt ALL DAY LONG!! It hasn't been too bad, but I am starting to go a little crazy! I thought that it would be nice not having to work, but I guess under different circumstances it would. I want to figure out some things that will take up my time besides watching TV and staring at the computer. While doing my internet surfing yesterday I saw that Target had the stroller in that we wanted...they've been out since we first saw it! I texted Joe and told him and when he came home from work he had it with him! I was so definitely made my day!! Joe has been so great through all this. He waits on my every need and doesn't complain about it. It makes me so grateful that I have him as my husband!!!

My first night on bedrest...nice and relaxing!

Heather and Aaron came over to make dinner for us and this is what the kids had fun doing with Cole's toys!!!


I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Brandon and Tenille said...

Ok that is probably the cutest stroller I have ever seen. I heard you were on bedrest I am soooo sorry you were smart though to mention to the docters about heather or you could have gone into labor as well. If you get bored you should call kenna she had her appendix out last week and is having alot of problems and cant even get up so she has to go see the dr today to see what is wrong so needless to say she is laying around to and going nuts. I hope you can get through this bed rest and have your baby safe and sound when he is suppose to come out good luck with everything. If I think of anything to pass your time I will let you know. Oh and whats up with no more blogging for ashley is she to good...

Cindy said...

Sweet Natalie! THis too will pass I suppose. Its going to be a challenge to fill up all your time, to be sure. But hopefully we all can help with that. We are looking forward to hearing what the doc says tomorrow???
Im happy that you finally have the stroller of your dreams. And that you have such sweet distractions in darling nieces and nephews!! Hang tough girl!! All will be well.

Chelsea said...

Nat, this stroller is the same exact one I just saw in a magazine as I was sitting at the doctors office!!!!! IT'S SO STINKIN' CUTE!

Riggs Rascals said...

So cute! I saw Joe driving out of the parking lot last night when I was going to class--who knew he was so sneaky! What a good guy! Tell him he needs to put the car seat in the car BEFORE Logan gets here!! We (I) miss you at work so much already!! Good Luck--if you need anything, let us know!!

Megan said...

Nat, LOVE LOVE LOVE the stroller! It's so stinkin cute already...but it's gonna look even better when you have a new little accessory to put in it! haha! :) That was so sweet of Joe to be a thoughtful husband and surprise you like that! Wow! I miss ya so much Nat! Work is good, but I just miss all our talks, jokes, "therapy sessions", talkin to you about Colb, you tellin' me you don't wanna go grocery shopping, laughing with eachother when we get some COOOOOKY customer, and just you being there! I needa come visit soon! Let me know if you need/or WANT anything! I'm here! xoxo!

LTC said...

You crazy Week's girls...(maybe I am secretly one of you!) I hope that little man decides to stay put as long as he can...hang in there Momma...

Jami Hansen said...

Cute Stroller. You guys are going to have a kid soon....Joe is a sweetheart. Let him help you out so much right now cause once that baby is here, he is going to wear both of you guys out.

Jules said...

Yike, good luck, and hopefully it won't be a problem with every pregnancy. How did your sister survive bedrest with other little ones to take care of?

Thank goodness you caught it all in time!

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness!!! I didn't know you had a blog! Thanks for writing on mine! I didn't know you were expecting either!!! Congratulations!!!! What are you having?

That is so exciting!!!! :)