Friday, May 8, 2009

6 Months Old!!!

It makes me a little sad, but Logan is 6 months old today. I really can't believe it's been that long!! It doesn't seem that long ago that I woke up in pain and called my mom to ask how far apart contractions should be before going to the hospital. I was so nervous on the way to the contractions were getting really bad and I told Joe I was afraid we weren't going to get there in time to get an epidural. Luckily we did!! I absolutely loved the was such an amazing experience!! And a couple pushes and my beautiful boy was here. I cried like a baby when I saw him. He was perfect in every way! I never knew you could have so much love for someone from the moment you saw them. But as soon as I saw him I was in love!! He's the best thing that has ever happened to me...along with his daddy...and he has got me wrapped completely around his finger! But he's growing up way too fast...before we know it he's going to be walking and talking. You always hear parents say that time goes by too fast, kids grow up so that I'm a mom I completely understand. He's still supposed to be my tiny baby...and he's definitely not that anymore!

Here's my tiny's crazy to think that he started out this small when you look at him now!
This is my big boy a couple days ago...he's a chub and I love to squish him!!

Some of my favorite things about him at 6 months...

*When I go to get him out of his crib in the morning he always gives me a big smile.

*The way he screams at his toys when he gets really excited.

*Splashy time in the bath!

*He knows what his bottle is and gets excited when he sees it.

*He gets excited when he's around can tell that he wants to play with them.

*His grunting noises that he makes.

*He's doing really good at sitting up and thinks he's a big boy!

*His laugh...he's ticklish!!

*The way he just stares at me sometimes.

*His gorgeous blue eyes.

*His chubby thighs!!

*His definitely brightens my day.

I could go on and on. He's such a precious boy! I LOVE LOVE LOVE him and I look forward to watching him grow and learn every day! Happy 6 month birthday my little monkey man!!


Chelsea said...

I LOVE him too! What a cutie he is. I can't wait until he can play with can just tell he wants to sooo bad!

Sharon Mae said...

Can't be!!! I shouldn't be surprised... my first baby is almost 37! It's all good, though, and memories are wonderful- thank goodness for photos!!

Cindy said...

We love him too!! Hes a precious little guy. Bob loved looking in on him in the back seat of your car, just after he had his shots,,,and he was grinning from ear to ear!!! He's the chill'inest kid we know!!! love you!!