Friday, December 28, 2007

The Newest Addition

Cole Jackson Duke. Born December 28, 2007 at 8:40 PM to Heather and Aaron Duke. He weighs 5 lbs. 12 oz. and is 18 1/2 inches long. He came into the world a month early, but is healthy and strong...and so very cute!!! Congratulations Heather and Aaron. We are so happy for you. I'll be waiting for the call that says I can watch this cute baby!!!

Baby and Mommy. What a strong bond. One lucky boy!

Here is the proud father! Aaron was just beaming all night. Even though it's number 3 there was still as much joy as the first!

A baby and his grandma. Couldn't get any better than this!

Here he is with his Grandpa Weeks, almost an hour old!


Brandon and Tenille said...

Oh my gosh I am sooo excitted for her tell her I am so happy for there family. He is adorable I am so glade that everything is normal and ok. Tell heather hi for me and congrats hey can you email me her address so I can send her a gift its Love you guys.

Cindy said...

We are so happy for you Auntie Natalie!! And for Heather and Aaron too of course! He looks to be another very handsome Duke boy!! We are so relieved that all is well, and that hes healthy and thriving already! love you all!!

Chelsea said...

Yeah! I'm so glad he came healthy and strong! That's so wonderful!